PATTERN EXPERT is constantly looking for highly motivated professionals with an interest in Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks. Our wide range of products provides you with the opportunity to work on challenging tasks in several fields of application including Image Processing and Image Recognition, Bioinformatics and Spectroscopy. Support us in developing future-oriented technologies and products in cooperation with our clients and project partners!
Theoretically well-equipped but lacking practical knowledge and experience? Apply for an internship at PATTERN EXPERT to gain an authentic insight into our current projects! An internship at PATTERN EXPERT will provide you with the opportunity to participate in research and development and might be particularly worthwile in preparation of an academic thesis. Have a look at the following suggestions for interesting topics, all of which might be altered or adapted regarding your individual interests and skills.
We suggest the following topics for internships or theses:
Based on PATTERN EXPERT we have developed powerful Image Recognition solutions for surface analysis. Your task is to enhance the Image Processing Engine (IPE) by implementing new routines for the calculation of classification parameters.
We have developed software solutions for the analysis of mass spectra and IR-spectra. Support us in the refinement and further development of these programs. Previous knowledge of signal analysis is required.
We develop Image Recognition solutions based on Pattern Recognition procedures for surface analysis, colour assessment or character recognition. Image Recognition procedures require invariant image parameters i.e. number of objects, form factors et cetera. Special parameters have to be developed for a class of problems and tested on a variety of examples. Previous knowledge of Image Processing procedures is required.
Special token selection algorithms are used to reduce the dimension of the token space. Your task is the development of new algorithms and evaluation in comparison to existing token selection algorithms. This particular topic requires advanced mathematical knowledge of algorithms.
Your task is to develop enhanced output display formats for our software solutions airspect and airspect SRS supporting the analysis of spectra databases. We suggest using a 3D rendering engine (OGRE).
Information processing in living neural networks is based on electric action potential. The thesis should contribute to analyzing the activity patterns of microelectrode arrays. The topic is best suited for applicants with a strong interest in neuroinformatics.
Interested? Send us your application via .